Wednesday, October 26, 2011

26102011 tobeexact...

Hahahaha.. God is amazing! Today I am HAPPY!! from morning till night! Haleluya!

This morning, why do i say im happy? well.. after few days of holiday, this morning, we had a duty to fulfill as fellow jpp. A primary school students came to visit us. my duty was to.. like always, help with whatever i can. today, i bring them for the 'lawatan' from place to place. it's tiring but i learned from it. i learned how to handling a 'lawatan'

Then, right after the lawatan.. we made a surprise birthday celebration for our YDP~ Abe Syafiq bought the cake from TAKA..a yummy chocolate cake, he said it's pure chocolate. While I ate the cake(from 2nd trip..kui3..leftover~) a thought came to me.. I had been wanting to eat a cake. I said to myself, if i can, i would buy a cake. a piece pun menjadi la. but then, no money and no cake to be found. However, tada!! YDp's birthday! Oh, sweet cake! Chocolate lagi tu~~ Thank you, Father! ^^ So, our YDP IS GETTING OLDER AND i pray to you Father, WISER TEACEHR. amen. He's a good guy.. and LOL his wish is to find a good partner. umur pun dah 24 kan~ adeii.. hahaha.. you will, brother! amen to that! :)

That afternoon, 4pm. We came for a practice for upcoming Talenta! at first, everything was a bit here and there but after much sweat and persistent, we finished with the steps! hehehe.. but i was a bit lost. but, praise the Lord, i memorised them. That night after dinner, we practiced with lit candles.. oh my, i tell you! it's HOT! esp when the wax fell onto your glove and it melted down into the holes of the gloves, it was shocking but still can tahan. ^^ WOW! i cant wait for the real performance! ^^ Eveything is for the GLORY of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER! amen!

Talk about the DINNER~ LOL.. JOY IS everywhere! 

From the chapel to the car to the restaurant to the car again to the chapel!

Everyone fits in 1 car, CITRA! 10 PERSONs, driver not included~ ALL girls sat at the back, the passenger seat next to the driver, occupied by 2 man! it was hilarious! the driver was funny! otw back to the chapel, he purposely taking a long swing here and round and round the place to long our trip.. and Hotel California was playing through the speakers. yup! our OST that moment! LOL!


Lord, I AM LUCKY.. err, no no.. BLESSED TO BE SENT HERE! rencana-MU indah bagi diriku yang kerdil ini! HEBAT, Tuhan, sungguh HEBAT!

While talking about this event in FB, a song popped in myhead.. ''All Things are Possible'' 
the significant? hm.. not sure. but somehow, the title says it all! All things are possible! 

Praise the Lord, we weren't caught by any police~ memorable memories!

p.s i didnt know that citra has an open-close roof!
wow! sakai so much! i have to admit that.
shall i buy citra in the future?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

oh, bradaA!

I've been wondering a lot ever since I entered this place. Why am I being so overly 'manja' with the boys here~ mostly the seniors la.. and probably juniors as well..? Hm.. I am not like that at all with my own brothers nor my father. I am not. It's different here and it's different there. OH, BROTHER!

Well, I would say maybe I want another brothers, older brothers to be exact! I don't have one. So far, even the juniors, I even acted like Im the youngest. It's crazy! Aduii~  

Just because I go insanely crazy whenever I see the seniors that I know~ doesn't mean, I'm 'kanji'. Im just being friendly~ 

:::>> tell me~ what would you do, if you see someone that you know, that you seldom or never text or get in a conversation, just 'like that' friendship? for sure, the right thing to do is to call out their names, wave hands, smile~ even if you have to look funny or annoying~ it's just a small gesture. that's how I do it. if you find it wrong, well, i think it's because you are not using my way. hey, different ways for different people. why are you trying to make me to live you style. i thought no one wants to be the same. even God made us different. <<:::

but, now that I got everything figured out.. I am not that sensitive when others are criticizing about my behaviour with the seniors. All, i want is to play around and bond with the boys.the male seniors because i never have the opportunity to do so before. even at home. never. so I thank God for this! 
make sense?no? me, it is.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yahhoooo!! This year, I joined for the 2nd time!

Things were a bit different between my last year runnat and this year runnat~ 
Last year, I ran until the end without resting in the car but i hardly prayed, the most were 2. 
This year, I ran half-way and entered the car, *I completed the run,just that I rested for awhile*
 but this time, I prayed alot! That's an achievement to me because I pray with all my heart. hahaha.. not and dont want to brag but i just want to mention it though.. kekeke.. love it! but all in all, I did it because God made things possible! Amen.

this is what i posted in fb after i arrived at the hostel

"Lord, I thank You for the strength you had given to me this morning! I was out of breath and in pain. I feel like I was going to lose it. However Lord, you gave me my breath and took away my pain to continue my journey in praying and running. To my teammates FWD, CLR, GTI & WES! Thank you. Driver & Area Manager too! God Bless You guys! :::RUNNAT 2011:::"